
< 小店廣告﹣炳記銅器 >  羅文樂 作品
< Small Business Advertisements – Bing Kee Copperware > by Law Man Lok

小店的內容:非連所經營、獨立做生意的可能、質素為本的經營手法 、持續保育文化的單位。因此,我認為在今天的香港來說,小店代表著地產霸權以外的一種品味。
1. 小店文化。
3. 社會以本土文化為本,再現代化的可能性。
4. 經濟與社區/本土文化相長的實碊。(縱然可能只是一種空想。)

Bing Kee Copperware Good ! Bing Kee Copperware Super

By lending the developer’s advertising formula: Blondie matching all that’s gold, see if this could help Bing Kee attract more businesses.  

The ultimate goal of this promotion: the craft, its trade, its culture, and hopefully its inheritance.
The commodified world provides people with cheap, unified tools and utensils. Traditional types such as copper and bronze kitchenwares are effective, but still marginalized (lucky few might caught the eyes of the exquisite and honored).
Copper cooking utensils, for example, have good heat conductivity and could thus is especially fit for cooking many local speciailities. Even French chiefs love them.

But that is not all why Bing Kee is so significant. Pots for chinese herbal tea house, folk worshipping decors and fortune wheels, products of Bing Kee are all very much related to Chinese and local culture, their indigenous forms are actually cultural symbols.  
Little shop, contra chain stores, depends on quality and service to maintain their business, they are the heritage itself. They represent a taste which stands outside of present day land developers hegemony.

I champaign via this work:
1. roadside stores, tiny businesses
2. the importance of the continuance of such trades
3. the need to attend the roots of local culture, before seeking modernize possibilities
4. seeking the possibility of Community + Economy / Local Culture mutual sustainability (even if just a dream)